Monday, January 17, 2005

Weathering the Storm

The blizzard arrived, and continues to pummel us here this morning...alternating between freezing rain pellets and blowing snow. School is cancelled, so my honey is home today with me.

There will be no need to go for the second beta test. That is very clear to me after the night we put in last night. This morning underlined that fact for me.

We had our cry last night. Hubby questioned whether trying so actively to conceive is worth it, which blew my mind. He said he can't handle seeing me upset and disappointed each month. I shared my Queen of Denial story with him and I promised myself in front of him that I would not purchase nor use any home pregnancy tests until I was well past my expected start date of any future periods. For me, the minute I saw a positive result, this pregnancy becomes a baby, which means that a period starting is not just a period starting.

So we'll hunker down together under our blanket on the couch today, and weather both these storms together.


Donna said...

There's nothing more heart-breaking than getting so close, just to have your dream taken away. I'm glad you will be with your hubby today.

Sandy said...

Ok...I'm perking up here. There were nekkid men in the elevators in Chicago and I missed them? How the hell did that happen???

Julianna said...

Ohhhhhhhh Sandy, I am so sorry. Please give my regards to your DH as well.

Thinking of you.

Anonymous said...


Glad the two of you can be there for each I know this is impacting you both.

The ban on HPT's is a good idea. My wife and I considered that as well when we were going through our rough times with TTC.

Take Care,


The Walker Tribe said...

Guys out there still wear tighty whities? WTH?