Monday, January 10, 2005

Could have posted more questions

So on Sunday I posted a question, wondering if I should be concerned about a little breakthrough bleeding.

If I had been near a computer later in the morning, I would have posted another question, asking if I should be concerned about getting sick and needing to boot my 75 year old mother out of the bathroom.

And if I could have logged into blogger earlier today I could have asked if I should trust a digital home pregnancy test that gave me a positive outcome this morning - 7 days post ovulation and on day 21 of a cycle.

I wrapped the test in toilet paper and gave it to my husband this morning for his 40th birthday.

He cried.

I'm terrified.


Tiff said...

Holy Crap!!! I am a bit blownaway right now!
Congrats!!! Whoa!
Are you headed in for a beta?? Keep us posted!!

Julianna said...

OH MY GOSH!!!!! I am so happy for you, ohhhhhhh myyyyy gosh!!!

What a wonderful present for your husband indeed!!!!!!

Lala said...

I hope I don't offend you when I say I hope to G-D it was right. That's great news!

The Walker Tribe said...

Sandy -

Good luck with this. I've came across your story through Grin's site. My wife and I spent a while TTC. We did the Clomid thing (or she did) and after she was told by the doctor that she didn't ovulate...about a week later she decided to take a prego test....there was a faint line indicating that she was pregnant. We took the faint line to mean "you might be pregnant". So three tests later she called the doctor back and went in for a blood test. It was positive...and we just celebrated 20 weeks pregnant last Friday. When you have trouble trying to conceive - every step of the journey is a tough one. The closer we get to full term, the more comfortable we feel.

I guess what I want to say is that...though it seems like the whole pregnancy thing is down to a science...I firmly believe that every pregnancy is nothing short of a miracle.

What an awesome thing for both of you. Good luck with everything. I know that this is a trying time for you and your husband and I know that you are terrified. But, I also know through reading your blog that you have faith - and that matters. Congrats again.

DeadBug said...



Sandy said...

Thanks everyone. Shortstorydude - congratulations on your 20 week mark. I agree with you that every single pregnancy is a miracle. I think any of us that have lived with infertility understand that a healthy pregnancy that actually results in a baby joining your family is indeed a miracle. Thanks for posting!