Tuesday, May 31, 2005


I really am supposed to be working today ~ even if it is from home. I have a fairly significant piece of writing to complete but I just can't seem to get my act together and get at it! I have engaged in more procrastinating behaviours than I thought possible ~ some productive (laundry, dishes, sorting out a downstairs closet); others not so productive (dancing along with the Ellen show, eating fudgie-pops at only 2 points per, surfing the WW website while eating these same fudgie-pops, updating this blog right now when I have really nothing exciting or productive to say.....)

One of the procrastinating behaviours I engaged in this morning was a review of my blog. I offer the following fascinating stats for your edification (edited to add Sandy saying, "Wow! Now that's a grade 10 word! Remember, I don't have a degree so if you think that I have used it incorrectly, be kind to me anyhow and chalk it up to my educational disability)
  • My first blog entry was exactly nine months ago yesterday. Yes, I said nine months. Ironic, no?
  • In those nine months, I have created 132 blog entries - on average one entry entry every four days.
  • My first visitor was a man named David who offered me encouragement in losing weight in order to achieve pregnancy. David lives in Malaysia.
  • On September 5/04 Julianna was the second person to comment on my blog! I've been following her journey ever since, and send daily thoughts up for a woman who lives on the opposite coast in a different country, but whom I feel forever connected to as a result of our shared travels through the land of infertility.
  • I started clomid on December 23/04 after much soul searching on the parts of both myself and my amazing husband.
  • On January 10/05, my husband turned 40 and I presented him with a positive pregnancy test. If only someone had told me years ago that all I had to do to get pregnant was take a pill! I posted my news and received a comment from Amateur_Dad ~ the husband side of another family who has lived through infertility and loss but have just recently welcomed their little one to the world.
  • Eight days later I was blogging about another loss
  • On February 21/05, I turned 42 and also began the second round of a ten month prescription of clomid.
  • On April 28/05, I finally broke down and bought the staple of every other infertile's tool kit for the first time - a basal thermometre - and began charting. Now I can't imagine why I didn't do this ages ago. Added side benefit? I automatically wake up at 6:30 every morning now with no alarm clock!
  • In May 2005, I came to the realization that my work is not the most important thing in my life, and began to reconsider current priorities.

And there it is ~ nine months. No baby at the end of it, but I do feel as if I've grown up a bit over those nine months. Anyone have anything else that I can do to keep me away from writing this paper for a bit longer?


Anonymous said...

Wow! That is a lot to go through in 9 months. I think of you every single day and you are in my prayers also. You are a very special lady and I wish I could meet you one day.

Here is hoping to an amazing year.

Donna said...

I hope the next nine months has a totally different list of accomplishments. [HUG]

The Walker Tribe said...


My wife and I pray for you and HB. The road you are on is a tough one, stay strong. I know - easier said than done.

Take care - David

Mony said...

9 months of blogging. Good Therapy, no? Just think of all the insane thoughts trapped in your head if you weren't able to pour them out here? And with an audience!
Long live blog! You help make all our crazy paths a little more tolerable.
Thank You.

QcynqSWG said...

Bravo, great page related to weight loss system, hope you get a chance to visit mine about weight loss system