Monday, October 18, 2004

Unwanted company...unexpected request...

Monday Monday, can't take that la dee da ... how does that song go?

Doesn't much matter. What does matter is that today was cd 38, but I woke up to my good friend and constant companion, Ms. Unwanted Flo, moving in for the week.

I have a doctor's appointment scheduled for this morning. I was going to have an internal since I remembered the other day that I hadn't had one in almost two years. Hard to believe. Me, who used to spread her legs for this lovely doctor every six weeks or so after a long few years fighting dysplasia. I was one of those fortunate few who is in that .01% of the statistic that does not respond to the laser treatment, and had the treat of having more and more treatments at the hands of the doctor with the worst bedside manner in the world for five years. Yay me! I love being different!!! After our miscarriage, I went back for one follow up appointment in November 2002 and haven't been back since. I guess I'll have to schedule another appointment to experience the joy of receiving the cold instrument at a later date.

Oh and while we're jumping on the bandwagon, I figured I might as well talk to her about getting a mammogram today too. After all, I am now at that age where I should have my breasts trampled, squeezed and poked on an annual basis.

I don't even want to think about the lecture I'm going to get about my weight. I have promised myself, though, that I will not add to my own misery today by allowing her to make me step on the scale. I know I'm overweight. I know I have to get serious about hauling it off. I do not need a medical professional to reemphasize this with me today. Not today. I'm cranky enough as it is.

On the up side (because I am Pollyanna and I do have to have an upside) this unwelcome arrival gives me another month to get back on the weight loss and exercise kick that I so desperately need to embrace and get serious about.

Hmmm....just as I was about to send this to post, my hubby called from work. He has been thus far against us engaging in any activity at our local fertility clinic. Some of that is because he has trouble with the fact that I already went that route in my lousy first marriage with my asshole first husband who didn't know the meaning of being a father to his children from his first marriage ... and some of his reluctance is because he truly believed we would be able to conceive without assistance. When I was at the fertility clinic 10+ years ago, I underwent every test to determine if there was any reason I wasn't conceiving, and there was no medical or physical reason found. Today I believe that God was protecting me from having offspring with an asshole that would then require me to remain attached to him for the rest of my life, and as much as I want children, I'm grateful that I don't have to have any contact with my asshole ex (did I mention he is an asshole?) today.

Anyhow, I digress. Back to hubby's call. He left this morning kind of sad because he knew my period had started. He feels it as deeply each month as I do, and he's not afraid to say of the many many things I love about him. So just as I'm about to hit "post" on this, he calls and asks if I have given any thought lately to asking my doctor for a referral back to the clinic. I actually have been thinking about it of late, but didn't think it worth mentioning to him as he has always been opposed to it as an option.

This morning he thinks I should ask the doctor for a referral to the clinic.


Monday, Monday...........

1 comment:

Julianna said...

That is great he wants you to go to the clinic! Hope springs eternal until she pulls the rug from under us.

Have a very good Monday.