Sunday, October 31, 2004


Happy Halloween! We have a neighbourhood that really gets into this night. Everyone decorates their homes, are out on the porches waiting for the trick or treaters, pumpkins glowing ... my next door neighbours even shoot off fireworks every year.

These neighbours have two kids. Their daughter, E., is just in grade one, and their son, A., was born last April. She was nervous to tell me that she was pregnant, and it was one of my first close experiences after our miscarriage of having to smile and reassure someone that I was happy for her pregnancy. And I was. It was just so hard to watch her get bigger every time I saw her, and then to see her bring home her little boy.

But tonight, I fell in love with him. He was dressed up like a little pumpkin ... looking just like one of those Anne Geddes pictures. Sitting in his swing, head held up really straight and smiling for all he's worth at everyone! And then when she brought him outside ... he reached his little arms right out to me ... and gurgled and smiled. My heart overflowed.

I want a little pumpkin.

1 comment:

Julianna said...

How sweet! I want a little pumpkin too!

Have a nice evening.