Monday, February 21, 2005

What I "want"

So today is the end of the birthday week, although a coworker did say the other day that he thought it odd I celebrated the week before my birth instead of the week after. I quickly agreed to extend it to a fortnight (I love that word, and being able to use it semi-correctly!) of celebration and assigned him responsibility for the daily gift giving for next week.

You'd think I was greedy. Honestly I'm not. Really. I'm the one who can rarely think of a gift when asked what I "want" for a holiday or celebration, because truthfully, I'm not in need of material things.

Of course, we all know what I "want" for my birthday this year. I "want" my birthday to become the least important date in this family. I "want" to be the subject of an endless blog debate as to whether I should put those cutesy "warning: pg mentioned" in my titles. I "want" to shop for maternity clothes because I'm pregnant and not just because I'm too fat and maternity clothes are more comfortable. I "want" to carry one of our pregnancies to full term and actually hold a living, breathing child in my arms. I "want" to see my husband fall in love with another person - one that he and I have created together.

Yes. I guess I do "want".

And I want that for every other woman who has created a blog to discuss this very subject.

Don't get me wrong. I'm eternally grateful for the gorgeous bouquet of flowers that were just delivered. And that same thoughtful husband is picking up the clomid on the way home from work tonight. I took the day off and alternated between watching A Baby Story and playing snood. Happy birthday to me. It was perfect.


Anonymous said...

My husband and I are both having a hard time conceiving. I speak of it at my blog at Come visit if you wish. Good luck and God bless you and yours.

The Walker Tribe said...


My wife and I have you and your husband in our prayers.


Anonymous said...

I hope your birthday wishes come true.
