Thursday, February 24, 2005

Google U Grad

An interesting thing happened when my cell phone rang the other day. At work, in my office and I answer it to hear my RE's voice on the other end. She explained that she had taken ill the day after our last appointment ... the appointment at which I had told her of the positive pregnancy test....and had been away from her office until this week.

She was calling to see if I had received the booking for an ultrasound. I was silent. She said "you know, to make sure you're not having twins".

And then I realized that I had used my Google University Medical Degree, and had neglected to call any medical professional when I miscarried this last time.

What the hell is wrong with me? I explained to her what had happened, and why I hadn't called back for the ultrasound appointment. She asked if I was sure I hadn't needed a D&C.

Hadn't even occurred to me that I might have needed one.

I had to go on and confess more self medicating that I had been engaged in, and told her that I had started the second round of clomid this week.

I do clearly remember her saying to me when we talked last about the possibility of that pregnancy not remaining a viable one, that normally she would have me wait a cycle, but given my advanced maternal age syndrome (do you hear the Jaws like music???), she would be fine with me proceeding. I know now that she must not have had my chart in front of her because she said she might have waited another cycle.

Where do I send my request for the actual pigskin certificate from Google U? I wonder if I can get a raise at work for my newly minted degree.


Julianna said...

Google U! Isn't that the truth!

I hope you are doing well. Fingers crossed for you.

Sue said...

Man!! I think we all know more about conception/ miscarriages than we ever wanted to. With all we've been through, it's no wonder we feel like licensed professionals!

Donna said...

Funny you should mention Google U...I've been trying to get hired by them for months but they won't hire anyone without a 4 year degree. Elitist snobs! But, I digress. I always felt like I was well-prepared for doctor visits, having done way too much online reading, but it only took one medic-jargon-filled response to one of my questions to knock that stupid smirk off my face. I'm sorry you had to have that conversation. Really.

Sandy said...

Grins - Only if it has to do with your uterus or ovaries I'm afraid.

The Walker Tribe said...

Hope all is well. Good luck on this second round of Clomid. Thoughts and prayers....