Tuesday, February 08, 2005


Today I discovered that a colleague of mine has lived my life! It's so funny that you can know someone for quite a while, but not ever really know them.

We are taking a course together, and were laughing about our weight loss struggles today when she, literally out of the blue, told me that she had been on fertility medication which was the cause of a weight gain. She then shared that she had experienced five miscarriages.

Which immediately made me share in return.

Amazing. Sometimes you're just drawn to people and you don't know why. Do you think that, as infertiles, we instinctively know one another?


Sue said...

It's definitely a common bond we share. I know I feel closer to my cyberfriends than I do my real friends. I certainly share more!

Julianna said...

And here is to the celebration of your future children's first birthdays together.

Wouldn't that be wonderful?

To celebrate something that magnificent together now.

Thinking of you.

Donna said...

I do think we have IF radar, kind of like I think my dogs know it when they see another Golden Retriever. When I met the woman who is now my best friend, I had no idea that she'd been struggling with IF for a long time, there was just something about her. I watched as she and her husband went through 4 rounds of IVF, finally to end up with their miracle little boy. We didn't even start TTC until she was PG, so our timing is off, but its really special to have someone in my real life who gets it, as well as my cyber friends.