Sunday, February 20, 2005

My grandmother would never have believed...

...that some day her grandaughter (favourite one too, I'm sure) would be happily posting on the internet, announcing to the world that her period had started.

It's my favourite present so far this week.

Onto round 2 of clomid tomorrow.


Julianna said...

Yippee! I am so hoping for you.

Take care.

Donna said...

I think my entire family would be horrified to find out I am a blogger. Oh wait, they would have no idea what that was...never mind. Good luck with Clomid! Its evil, evil stuff, but hey, if it works, it'll be worth it.

Tiff said...

Good Luck with the Clomid.
haha, I had never thought of writing stuff down in quite that manner. lol