Friday, July 29, 2005

Up At Sparrow's Fart

I just censored myself.
I had a very long entry up regarding our childrens' mother and her recent behaviour. That entry had a place and a function, but it's not needed anymore. I needed to vent and get it out the night I wrote it so I could move on and be rational when we had to deal with her the next day.
It seems to have worked. She's still completely out of her mind with anger, but we're not, thankfully. Both HB and I were commenting yesterday about how ugly that feels, and how commonplace that feeling was for both of us in our past marriages. I saw a book title yesterday that said "God Never Wastes A Hurt", and it made me reflect on how sometimes we need to revisit the ugly to be reminded of the good and beautiful.
Anyhow ... it's a new day! I'm up, to use my new favourite quote courtesy of Thalia , at "sparrow's fart" today for some reason. The last week I've been waking at 5:30 a.m. daily, needing to use the washroom. Oh gawd, I'm getting old!
I'm going to try to hang in until Monday before testing. Starting to see some signs that it might not be this month though.


Mony said...

God bless the edit button.
Always perfect to delete those venting posts that eventually do not need to be addressed.
With all the good news out there in IF land lately, here's hoping you get to join the happy crew. I really hope you get to post some most excellent news soon!

Anonymous said...

Wow. I feel famous, thank you!
Sorry to hear about asinine behaviour on the part of some other adults in your life. Here's hoping you have a lovely weekend despite that.