Tuesday, July 05, 2005

On the road again

I'm in a much better place these last few days. HB has been an amazing support ~ we've spent lots of time together and I am over my hysteria. I don't know what I ever did to deserve a gift so beautiful as the love he has for me, but I'm eternally grateful.
I have exactly two working days left until I am on a full month of vacation. I am so ready to have a break from the turmoil here at work. A month away will allow all the dust to settle. I have met with everyone I need to meet with regarding what I will be doing, and it is decided. I will continue with this assignment for at least the next nine months, and possibly longer. I need to secure some office space, which is at a premium. I spotted a little cubicle that is vacant this morning. The upside is that it's on a very quiet floor, and has a window. The down side is that it's a cubicle. The alternative is to get a phone line hooked up at home and work from there, coming in for meetings as needed. The upside would be that I'd save a bagload of money on parking and gas. The downside is that I have a tendency to get distracted when at home. I'm going to investigate both options. But perhaps after vacation.
Continuing on in the "change the things I can" mode, I weighed in at Weight Watchers this morning. I am the proud loser of 5.4 lbs in this first week, and am totally delighted! I feel focused and determined, one day at a time, and am loving this core program. No weighing or measuring, and just making healthy choices. Almost too simple.
Tomorrow I have to drive to my favourite part of our province for a meeting. It's about a five hour drive, so I'll head out early in the morning. After the meeting, my plan is to get a hotel room and just hang out with some friends overnight. I have to get up with the birds the next morning to be back here for a meeting, so it won't be a wild night.
So yeah, I'm back on the rails again. Feels good.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the weight loss and the overall feeling good about yourself. Keep it up!

Donna said...

I was so glad to read this post! Have a great time with your friends. I am so jealous of your long vacation!

The Walker Tribe said...

Donna is jealous of the vacation...and I am jealous of the 5.4 lbs that you lost. That is great! Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the weight loss! That is wonderful!

I'm completely jealous about a month's vacation. What I wouldn't give to take a month off!

Anonymous said...

Have a great time on vacation! And congrats on the weight loss--a great accomplishment.