Saturday, July 23, 2005

Serenity at the Wal-Mart

This has been an awesome week. I think I know what it might feel like to be financially independent enough not to have to go outside the house to work. I have risen daily at my usual 6:30 a.m., read the paper on the deck while having coffee. Cooked a healthy breakfast every day (wow!) and then packed up to go the lake. The kids paddle every morning for an hour and a half, and then again for another hour in the afternoon. HB works out while they're paddling, and me? Well, I am officially on my second trashy novel of the summer.
I feel rested and serene. Today HB and I were driving to the Wal-Mart, and I looked over at him while he was driving and experienced what we refer to as a "love burst". It's that moment where my heart just about bursts open, and I can't believe how much I love this man. We were walking through the mall, which was crawling with pregnant women and newborn babies ... well, the babies and preggo women weren't literally crawling, but you know what I mean ... when he reached over, took my hand, and bringing it to his lips to kiss it, said "we're already awesome parents ... maybe that's enough eh?"
I am blessed.


Donna said...

Awww! A big gold star for that hubby of yours. You are not only awesome parents, but an awesome couple and completely awesome people in your own right (I'm taking a bit of license with your hubby on that one, but I think I'm OK there).

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you are in such a good place right now.

Thinking of you.

Sue said...

I know the feeling well. Don't you wish you could carry it with you always? It would make this TTC crap so much more bearable.