Monday, July 18, 2005

One little...two little eggies

It would appear that I am possibly not ovulating this month. This is the month that I went without clomid because I stupidly didn't fill the prescription, and took off to Ontario where I promptly started my period. It just got too complicated to fill it, and I decided to let this month just "be". I was kind of curious to see if I would ovulate without help. My chart would have me believe that I have not yet ovulated.
On the upside, we've been having the most amazing time off together. On the off chance that I have ovulated on any of the days so far this month, I believe we've engaged each other appropriately and not even for the sole goal of baby~ making. We've been getting back to getting to know each other again, and in my heart, I know that if we never manage to have a child together, we're going to make it anyhow.
Oh cripes. I feel like Mary Tyler Moore now. Excuse me while I go fling my hat in the air.


Anonymous said...

Gotta love that positive little Mary.

Time off from this can be so great. Sounds like yours was well spent.

Anonymous said...

Taking a break is sometimes a most excellent thing.

The Walker Tribe said...

Now that damn theme song will be stuck in my head all damn day.

"You're going to make it after all!"

Sandy said...

hehehe....sorry AD. I had to share the pain of the worm song!

Anonymous said...

That right there is worth a million.

Donna said...

Ah yes, charting, I remember it well. Holy crap woman, you are doing a lot of "BDing". Good for you.

Sue said...

Good theme song!!

Lala said...

Thanks for the wonderful wishes Sandy. I was apprehensive to announce a pregnancy for a bunch of reasons. I just haven't been checking out blogs lately because I've been sleeping. As you can see I come out with random, disjointed sentences. Argh.
*wanders off singing "I"m going to make it after all".....*