Monday, October 16, 2006

What if?

I've been debating about whether to blog about my mind quandry or not - but then realized that to not blog about it is to deny myself the true avenue this blog is intended to be for me.

HB and I consider ourselves to be people of great faith. We believe in God, and believe that God will not give us any more than we can handle. Some people call it fate; others call it destiny. For us, what happens in our lives that is out of our control is what we call part of God's plan for us.

We have always chosen to believe that our recurrent miscarriages are part of God's plan for us. And not in a "you guys are awful and don't deserve to have children" kind of way. I have been actually been feeling some guilt because I think I'm not feeling sad enough about this loss. When I expressed that to HB the other day, he told me that he believes I'm more at peace with this baby's death because I have indeed been asking to know God's will for me, and more importantly, to be able to accept God's will for me. And I do believe that had this baby been born, it might have been more than we could have handled - and God's plan says we're only going to be given what He knows we can handle.

So that faith and trust helps us to deal with this current loss.

But therein also lies my quandry.

I'm soon going to be 44 years of age, and had pretty much come to grips with the fact that I was not going to be pregnant or a biological mother....and I was starting to be pretty ok with that reality. Then this unexpected pregnancy comes along - which tells me that my body is still capable of conceiving, and who knows, maybe even capable of actually carrying to term. So if HB and I continue in our usual ways (and I do love continuing in our usual ways....hehehe), there is a possibility of conceiving again unless one of us either deals with it surgically or we decide to practice some form of birth control.

I have no qualms at all with ignoring the man made laws of the Catholic Church when it comes to birth control, so I'm probably one of those hypocritical Catholics that people love to talk about. I am a Catholic because my parents are Catholic. There are many things about Catholicism that I disagree with, and many traditions and beliefs of the Catholic faith that I love and in which I take great comfort. I am first and foremost a Christian. I believe that if I get up every day and live my life the way that God calls me to live - and use Christ as my human example of what that call is - then I am living out my baptismal promise here on earth even if I never step forth in a formal church again. It's more important to me to be church in the real world - the world in which I live every day - and be straight in my relationship with the God of my understanding, then it is to be known as someone who was a good Catholic.

If I believe that God has a plan for me, and I believe that God won't send us more than we can handle, then I really don't see how I can mess with His plan by using birth control of any kind. If I'm not intended to be a biological mother, I will not be ... whether that's through never conceiving again, or continuing to conceive and miscarry. But what if....just maybe....we are intended to conceive and give birth to the person who is going to bring about world peace? Or who is going to save a life someday? Or is going to have even just one gift to share with this world? What if? Is it our place to alter that plan by using birth control?

The human and the woman in me kicks in and tells me that I could not go through yet another miscarriage. That I am too old to be a mother now. That my life is good just the way it is.

And then I go back to the what if scenario.


Krista said...

Oh Sandy, my heart aches for you. I too get the what if's. What if God does not intend for me to be a biological parent? What if I am bringing miscarriages on myself because I continue to attempt to do scientifically what God has already chosen not to give me naturally. Ultimately I do not believe that. Ultimately I do not think God would be so cruel as to create a maternal instinct so strong and then not allow what the heart so naturally desires. I have come to the conclusion that God does not control my fertility. But I still wonder.

Anonymous said...

Moxie and I must have been separated at birth ...

I've never believed that God had a plan for us, that God causes these horrible things to happen to us. What father would make these things happen and then say "well, you're strong ... deal with it"?

Not a very good one, I must say.

I've always felt in my heart of hearts that things happen - they just do. And God is there to help us cope when they do happen. Just like a father does (or should). He's there to cry with us, to hold our hands, to listen to us rant and rave and shake our fists, and to offer his shoulders to take some of the heartache away.

And like a father, I believe He would completely understand if you said "enough" and went on BC.

Anonymous said...

I found your blog right before your pregnancy and, even through the pain of reading about your miscarriage, have really enjoyed it. I'm a Christian and believe that God has a plan for us all. And that, if we turn to Him and ask for help, He will help us survive all things. Does that mean things are easy? No. Does that mean things are painless? No. Does that mean that everything will be sunshine and roses? Oh hell no. But does that mean that things are survivable? Yes. That you can rely on Him for comfort? Yes. That things, in the end, will be okay? YES.* I'm happy for you that God is helping you through this and making things a little less painful.

And, for the record, I personally believe that birth control is always an option. Pray about it, talk to HB, and make the best decision for you. My husband and I use it and know that it is the best decision for us. We have a child and are not ready for another.

*No, I'm not infertile and therefore do not have the experiences that make this thought the same as others'. I am just speaking out of my own life experiences.

Thalia said...

Because I'm not religious, I guess, I have a hard time with the 'gd has a plan' thing. Both due to the cruel uncaring entity gd would have to be to inflict such cruel things on the world, and because at what point does free will enter here? It is against Gd's plan for me to take a tylenol to stop period pain? To take a chemo drug to combat my cancer? Is an IUI ok? IVF? Are they different?

It just doesn't work for me. But I do know that you have faith and that that faith is something that has sustained you, and so I know you will do whatever works for you, knowing that your gd loves you and wants the best for you.

Mony said...

Thalia says it for me.
I'm glad you have your faith Sandy. Putting your trust & heart into Gd's hands must be a thing of beauty. Let him make the decisions. And may they be decisions that fill your world with joy.