Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Ostrich Has A Request

I'm terrified. I've got that sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, and it's not morning sickness. I'm googling and reading ... trying to find reassurance. I just know something is wrong with this pregnancy.

I don't feel pregnant. The only "symptoms" that I really have are tiredness and what feels like a thickened stomach area that's uncomfortable to hold in. Even with the tiredness, I can push through that if I have to and keep going. I have no morning sickness whatsoever. I'm not starving, even if I miss a meal like I had to with supper last night. My breasts are sore when I wake up in the middle of the night, but that's about it. Maybe a little tender throughout the day if I brush against something - but not outlandlishly so. And although I'm peeing frequently, even that seems to have subsided, despite the fact that I'm drinking a ton of water daily.

I don't see my family doctor until next Thursday, and the high risk clinic isn't seeing me until October 19th. There's a part of me that wants to call my doctor today and ask for something - anything - an ultrasound, more blood work, a doppler listen. And then there's a bigger part of me that's winning out that says ignore it. Relax. You really don't want to know if anything is wrong, now do you?

I can't get the sight of the empty sac from our first ultrasound (at 7 weeks) out of my head. I keep having this foreboding sense that it's still empty.

So come on....tell me all your stories about people you know who had beautiful, wonderfully healthy babies with nary a pregnancy symptom. Help me keep my head in the sand please.


Anonymous said...

Been lurking for awhile now. Congratulations. I have been pregnant three times and have two beautiful boys. I never had morning sickness, breast were sore, but not real painful and I had to make myself eat during the first trimesters. It wasn't that I was sick, I just was not hungry. I would call one of your doctors and beg and cry to get in early just for some reassurance. Hell if you have to lie about some cramping, etc, do it. With your history, they should get you in their for a quick look. Good luck

Lucy LuLu said...

No morning sickness, LOW and SLOW doubling beta at 6 weeks. Spotting week 5,6 and 10. Ultrasound at 8 weeks showed heartbeat but fetus measuring one week behind. Breast hurt only when I smooshed them. I just had my 18 week ultrasound- perfect! hang in there!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the anon poster - call your doc and beg and stomp for an earlier appt. Considering your history, they should be willing to bring you in. If not, lie like a dog and make them.

In the meantime ... breathe.

Krista said...

Lack of pregnancy symptoms means nothing! I watched a friend in her first trimester and swore that she was lying about being pregnant cause she was nothing like a pregnant lady should be. She was not sick, not tired, not sore, and had no appetite changes. In fact, the only difference was that she seemed to have more energy than usual. She had a beautiful healthy son with no complications during pregnancy or delivery!

Sandy, you are going to worry. You have experienced a loss and that is devestating both emotionally and to your perspective on future pregnancies. You can't pretend it didn't happen or it didn't affect you. If it was me I would get in to see the doctor right away so that I could know for sure what is going on.

I am praying for you Sandy. And if you have a healthy pregnancy with no symptoms then my prayers will have been answered!

Shinny said...

Dear Sandy,
When I was pregnant with Alex, my one success story, the only symptom I had was sore boobs, so bad it hurt to take a shower. Other then that no sickness, not tired until the end when the little alien was sucking the life force right out of me. ;)
I am in agreement with the others though, call the doctor. If you don't call you don't know if they will get you in or tell you to just wait it out. I would think with your history and if you doctor is worth the money he is being paid to care for you he will get you in, if for no other reason then to reduce your stress level.
So call the doctor! I really hope I didn't jinx you too, call so that we know if I am really bad luck to all the lucky ones or not, ok? There, it is all about me again. ;) Good thoughts from Wisconsin.

Anonymous said...

Sandy, I'm with everybody else on demanding your doctor's office to get you in early, if only to let you sleep at night, sore boobs or not!

But, I have to say, if you want to see the result of a nearly-no-symptom pregnancy, check out the star of my blog, my 13 month-old DD =) I had most of my symptoms the first 8 weeks, mostly bitchiness and the sleepies, and they tapered off at around 9 weeks, which of course was scary since I knew that 12 weeks is the traditional "all clear". I did have other pregnancy symptoms in my second trimester, of course, but they went "underground" between the 2nd and 3rd month. I think that's because your body is more used to the hormones at that point, yet the baby isn't big enough to really be demanding much, calorie-wise, so your energy isn't as down as it is early on and later on.

In any case, call your doc and lie like a rug to get in. Anxiety is bad for you and the baby and it's no skin off their nose to see you early. We're all here for you.

Sheryl said...

Sandy I was EXACTLY like you are now. I know its hard, but try not to worry. I'm 36 weeks now and most of my pregnancy I didn't even feel pregnant. But if it is really worring you, please call your doc. Do what ever it takes to make you feel better :) :)

Michelle said...

I can't tell you any pregnancy stories, as I've never been, but I just wanted to you to know I'm praying that everything is O.K. I think you should ask for an earlier appointment. You shouldn't have to worry for another week.

Anonymous said...

just a quick note from a lurker.....

I had barely any morning sickness, almost no symtoms with both babies so it is possible. I think that only 50% of pregnant women experince morning sickness, but we all think it is the norm.

I will keep my fingers crossed for you and your baby.


Anonymous said...

I just lost my last post, but I wanted to say that I barely had any symptoms, little queasiness, tiredness, and sometimes a feeling of being really hungry with both my pregnancies.

I think that morning sickness affects only 50% of pregnant women so try not to worry. I know easier said than done.

I will keep my fingers crossed.


Sue said...

I had some morning sickness, but not a lot. I was really tired, though. When I got toward the end of my first/beginning of second, I didn't feel pg AT ALL! I was terrified. Actually, with so many losses behind me, I'm still terrified, but the weekly ultrasounds are reassuring. I agree - get in to the doctor if you can. Reassurance is a good thing.

Anonymous said...

First time delurking just to add in one more story of hope.

I was sure I was having my third mc , bleeding , no symptoms and I mean NONE. No sore boobs, no sickness, no tiredness, nothing. I was so convinced I took to my bed for three days and refused to get up. On the 4th day I went for the US and my DH was so surprised to see the HB that he fell over ! I would have as well but I was already lying down LOL. My "MC" is now 3 years old.

I won't say "don't worry" of course you will worry, please do as the others have said and get something done with the Dr so you can put your mind at rest.


Donna said...

Your story is the only one that matters. Every pregnancy is different, and I know that's hard to fathom when you have been through such a terrible loss. Try to get in to see your doctor, he/she should understand you are going to need a little more hand-holding than other patients. Thinking of you.

Drew said...

Oh me me me!
I haven't been feeling sick since I was at 11 weeks. Like yours my boobs hurt only at night time when I wake up to go to the toilet. But yeah apart from that no symptoms either. I just had a scan a few days ago and baby is doing fine.

If you are feeling a bit worried about it (which I can assure you it is very normal to not feel `pregnant') - is to go for a scan. Even if it means you have to whinge, beg, bribe, anything, go and get one and put your mind at ease.

Anonymous said...

I commented and it's been eaten ...

Are you ok? You haven't posted and I know I can't be the only one worrying.
