Friday, October 14, 2005

Free Trade and the Wal-Mart

I had a moment today. I was at the Wal-Mart (yes, we're just hick enough here that we call it The Wal-Mart) where we know that babies and pregnant women lurk in every aisle due to the low, low prices. And truly ... babies and pregnant women were lurking in every aisle. Now I was having a good day. Good hair day. New pink sweater from Old Navy on, and my new shoes. Matching lipstick. Even got the lip liner on without looking clownish. I was kicking it today. So I was not about to let any baby bombard get to me. I was resolved to smile and have a good karma day.

I swear the Infertility Gawds are having a field day with me of late. They said "waaaaaatch...let's kick it up a notch today".

And so they sent twins.

Not just one set. Nooooo.

TWO sets of newborn twins at the Wal-Mart.

I managed to get by the first set ... no harm, no foul. Even managed to smile at momma. She was beautiful. Sure as hell didn't look like someone who had just birthed twins, let me tell you. In that moment, she looked like a catalogue model, with the little leather jacket and heels on, pushing her double carriage. I don't think I weighed as little as she appeared to at birth. Whatever. I don't know her story and am sure not going to be the one to judge her. Besides, it was pure jealousy speaking inside me at that moment anyhow.

I go about my business, picking up the many and varied bargains that one inevitably purchases at the Wal-Mart, and there they were - the second set of twins. Waiting for me at the cash register. The cashier that is serving me is cooing and gooing at them. I actually did this primal scream thing inside thinking "just check my freaking halloween lights and glow in the dark skull through so I can get the eff out of here" but my perfectly painted lips maintained their perfectly bowed smile the whole time I waited for her to finish and turn back to me. I endured all the comments about the twins while she was ringing through my bag of fake bones. I paid, left the store, and proceeded to my vehicle, which happened to be parked right next to another perfect mother with her perfect child in carriage, who was being approached by a friend in that parking lot who was screeching "loooooook at yoouuuuu! Looooook at that baaaaabeeeee".
You know what? I'm tired.
I'm tired of not being able to be sincerely happy for others. I'm tired of being bothered by this. I'm tired of feeling shitty because I feel jealous and have nasty thoughts in my head about people. I am not, by nature, a nasty person. And yet I'm thinking these nasty thoughts in the lineup at the Wal-Mart. I have sunk to a new low.
Last week my mother called from northern Ontario, where she is visiting her sister. She called because my sister told her I had stayed home from work, and she wanted to know if I was alright. I told her I was just having a really heavy period. To which my mother replies:
"Don't worry honey. You'll be finished with all that real soon."
Talk about feeling deflated. Knowing that I'm this jealous, barren, bitchy old hag that buys bags of glow in the dark skulls at the Wal-Mart (which, by the way, do NOT glow in the dark) who will never ever have a child of her own.
And then to add insult to injury, I went on line tonight to order some soap from Bath_and_Bodyworks. I was busily filling my 'shopping bag' with these, getting almost orgasmic at the thought of the box arriving at my home in a few short weeks. I went to checkout, only to find that they do NOT ship "internationally". Apparently Canada is considered international. Why the hell did I support a free trade agreement again??? And why can't some Canadian shop come up with the same kind of awesome soap in that beautiful little bottle???
There. I think it's all out of my system. I'm boycotting the Wal-Mart and obviously I'm going to spend time stinking until the Bath and Bodyworks people understand that Canada does not count as international!!!


Sheryl said...

I hear ya on the whole "Canada being international" thing. Many times I've wanted something from the US and found that they don't ship "all the way here to Canada"! Nothing but a piss off!

Sorry about all the babies at the Wal-Mart :( It sucks when they surround us like that and it does get tiring putting on a happy face when that's not how you're feeling :(

Anonymous said...

One of those Murphy days, huh. I know what you mean.

I moved to the wrong part of town. Not that it's unsafe or anything, just a bit tattered around the edges. But it has the highest ratio of young families in the whole area. So whenever I venture outside, I'm surrounded by THEM. I'm trying to boycott my neihborhood, but it's difficult, having to go to work and all.

We moved because we wanted to start a family and our rented one bedroom appartment was really cramped. Ironic, no?

The upside is we have a dishwasher now. I try to find joy in the little things, except on days when I'm too bitter or depressed. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I get tired of feeling that way, too. It takes soooo much out of you, but fuck if I know how to change it. If you figure it out, let me know.

I can say that most of us here in the States don't think 'international' when we think Canada. I mean ... it can't be international if we can drive there, right?!?

DrSpouse said...

You, my dear, need Lush ( - far superior to Bath and Bodyworks.

Donna said...

I am reminded that Candada is in fact, international, every time I have to show my Permanent Resident Alien card to get back in the U.S. Sorry about all the babies. It will change, I know this, because I now say to myself, "Whew, I'm glad that ain't me!" most of the time when I see the strollers. Most of the time.

Sue said...

1. Hate WalMart. Was there yesterday - lotsa pg women and strollers.

2. Gotta love moms. They say the most insensitve things, don't they? And it's not like you can call them on it, because they would say you misunderstood them. (at least that's how it works with my mom)

3. If you want something from B&BW, e-mail me at I'll ship it to you.

Anonymous said...

I can relate. Just the reason that I no longer go to the Walmart.

Mony said...

Damn, I am glad we don't have Wal-Mart here. (wink)
That sucks, honey. Moments we all dread.