Monday, October 10, 2005

It was the best of times....

It started to rain Saturday morning, and it hasn't stopped yet. We had a delightful Thanksgiving dinner with Frodo, Mini-Me and HB's mother whom we affectionately call MotherMom, on Saturday night. Frodo surprised us by asking if we could cook the turkey on Saturday so they could come share Thanksgiving with us. The poor wee buggars then had to eat turkey Sunday night at their grandparents' home, and again today at their mother's place.
Although it warmed my heart to hear Frodo tell his dad today that the dressing at our place was the best he'd had all weekend.
He doesn't need to know that the dressing came in the turkey now, does he?
Other things going through my mind today:
Martha was expected to participate in a pumpkin regatta in this little town not too far from me yesterday. At one point it was cancelled due to the fact that she couldn't get across the Canadian border, being you know, a convicted criminal and all, but our government found a way to speed up her paperwork. The poor folks of Windsor have been in a tizzy about the diva's visit. Well, this morning I woke up to the news that she had not made it after all. We were Martha-less on Thanksgiving weekend. I'm devastated.
My "might-be but probably not" chart woes from yesterday are over. My temp took a dive this morning and just for good measure, I pissed away another $15 at the drugstore on tests yesterday. Odd how you can literally piss away $15 with a pregnancy test, isn't it?
This is the first Thanksgiving in years that I haven't spent with my extended family. My parents are headed into their late 70's, and decided this was the year they wanted to travel and visit my mom's only remaining sister for Thanksgiving. It makes me kind of sad to know that our lives are changing.
I've had an amazing weekend with my husband. We went to see this movie yesterday afternoon. Us and the six other people in my city that had no other plans for Thanksgiving Sunday! The movie was filled with non-sensical violence, but the popcorn was good. On the way home, we stopped to visit friends before hitting the video store and stocking up on four no-brainer movies. We've spent yesterday and today watching movies and eating leftover turkey. Both are finished now.
The neighbours two doors down are bringing home their baby girl today. There are pink balloons blowing in the rain and wind all over their house. I marvelled at how sincerely HB was in his congratulations to the new dad yesterday, and sometimes wonder if I could just get to a point where I could be sincerely and honestly happy for others, I might be rewarded with a babe of my own. I'm not there yet.
And finally, I am in the process of completing a project that I've been working on since April. It's my portfolio, and damn, I'm proud of it! I'll be submitting it in application for a masters in public administration program. In my humble opinion, they're out of their minds if they don't accept me once they see this portfolio! If they don't, I plan to adopt my friend Greg Tamblyn's attitude and put NCW after my name.
It's all good.


Anonymous said...

Oh Lord ... I haven't been sincere with happy comments for pregnant women in YEARS. No joke ... I smile and say all the appropriate things, but I also borderline hate them at the same time. It's like the sadness is just too much anymore so I go straight to anger.

Tiff said...

It sounds like a great weekend all in all. MMMM, now I want turkey!! *drool*

Anonymous said...

DOn't beat yourself up for not being able to be sincere. I don't think any of us can manage it. And you do know, don't you, that this has absolutely no effect on why you don't have a baby? Just checking...

Anonymous said...

I've mentioned you in my blog. And put in a link to you. I hope you don't mind

Sandy said...

Hey Thalia and Angela:
First, I'm pretty sure that the only reason I don't have a baby yet is that I'm such a lying bitch when it comes to sincerely being happy for other people and their babies....really.

hehehe...nah, I know that's not true, but every once in a while I do get to wondering if there's a fertility gawd up in the sky somewhere who is just saying "waaaatch as we yank her chain once again and see how insincere she can be!"

And Angela? I'm honoured that you mentioned me in your blog! Thank you!

April said...

Be sincere to yourself, including your own pain and emotions.

In the end, I think that's what's most important. That's what you'll be rewarded for, if by no one else but yourself. And personally, I can't think of anyone better.

Mony said...

You must have felt proud of hubby, it would be hard for him too & being able to compose himself & genuinely offer a congrats to the new parents is adorable. I also have thought over the years that my smiles, gentle gawking & cooing at all newborns must surely add up to some mighty kharma & I will be justly rewarded with my own bub.....well, I am still waiting too! In the back of my mind, I want to be as normal & pleased as I can for all my family & friends having babies because when my turn DOES come, I want everyone to feel happy for me too. Not remember me as the bitter, twisted little sod who wouldn't congratulate their arrival.