Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Dinner, courtesy of my basal themometre

I've been using that online fertility friend thing to track what's up with my body, and I must say I'm becoming a bit fixated on it. It has tricked me twice in the past by saying I ovulated on thus and such a day, only to suddenly decide I actually hadn't ovulated on thus and such a day, but had instead ovulated on this or that day. I know I ovulate really late in a cycle, and then boom! In 10 days, it's all done but the crying.
But this month it seemed to be sticking to its prediction that I had indeed ovulated on day 11, and was dangling that "testing on Saturday is ok" date in front of me. I had one hpt in the cupboard that had been there for quite a while. So Saturday morning I got up and tested.
And no shit ... I could swear I was seeing a positive sign. Faint. But it sure looked like it was there.
I put it in the cupboard. We had Frodo, Mini-Me and our nephew for the weekend, and I couldn't really guarantee that I could discuss this with HB in private.
I finally managed to get to him ... still within 30 minutes or so of the test ... and got him to come look. I know he thinks I'm out of my mind. There was no way in the world there was a second line there. No way. Even I thought I was losing my mind.
I went out and bought another test. Used it. Absolutely, without question, no hesitation, negative.
The next morning fertility friend laughed at me as I watched the dotted line move forth 10 days.
I don't know why I don't just give my credit card number to the 17th commenter on this blog, and tell them to take themselves out to dinner on me. I'd get the same value for my money on that as I do from this fertility friend investment! (hehe...notice how safe I am with that offer...I never get 17 comments!!!)


April said...

Ugh. I have been using Fertility Friend (for wow - I feel almost embarassed to say it - since April 2003). The funny thing is, I never signed up for the premier membership because I never thought I'd need it that long.

Instead, well. Instead I have been milking them for services for apparently nothing.

Sorry for rambling. Now you just need 16 more comments to go... ;)

Anonymous said...

We just got the news yesterday that my (now) husband's sperm is bad bad bad - only 1% is structurally sound. The doc's recommendation is flat out IVF ... which neither of our insurances cover.
We're going to try the injections with the IUI, but the doc gave that one of those "stranger things have happened" types of statements.
So now not only are we having to deal with my PCOS and lack of egg maturation, but we're dealing with his bad sperm.

Sandy said...

I tried to leave a comment on your blog but couldn't make it work for some reason....hopefully you'll check back in here.

I just wanted to let you know how sorry I am that you and Patrick received this cruddy news. It seems to me that the one thing we can guarantee in those of us who live with infertility is that we are a bunch of survivors! We get knocked back by news like this, sit for a minute and then pick ourselves up and say "right then...how do we deal with THIS obstacle???"

I hope that you and Patrick will find a way to move around or through this obstacle in a way that is right for both of you.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the test Sandy. I think that fertility friend is the work of the devil of something. I could never get it to work properly and I ovulate pretty regularly.


Tiff said...

I haven't dealt with FF in a LONG time. I just remember how frustrating it would be and how obsessive I would get about it.
I agree with Emily...its the work of the devil.
I am sorry about the test.