Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Cubicle Living

Part of the changes that I've been experiencing at work resulted in me moving from an office to a cubicle. As I sit and type this, I'm being forced to listen to a group of coworkers who are standing just outside of my cubicle, talking about the weekend labour and delivery of a friend. Which of course has resulted in every one of the women involved in the conversation to discuss THEIR labour stories, and all the baby talk. How beautiful their babies were. Where they were born. How they love the new maternity hospital. How quickly women are sent home from the hospital now compared to a few years ago.

I'm really only blogging about it now in the hope that the clicking of my keyboard keys will drown out their conversation. It's not working!

Turning to things that are amusing me these days. One is the little traffic light that the charting site I use has on your charting home page. HB and I have had some fun with that ~ is this baby making activity or just straight up monkey loving is determined by the colour of the light on the traffic light. It's been a big honking red with the helpful words "PROBABLY NOT FERTILE" underneath for several days now. I expect that it might turn green this weekend when Frodo and Mini-Me are around. How do those people that have like fifteen kids manage to sneak in the required activity? Inquiring minds want to know!

Phew. The conversation has stopped. Back to work.


Anonymous said...

ugghhh......i hate that you had to listen to that crap.

I have been thinking about you and hope you are doing well.

Have fun this weekend!

Sue said... one of those cubicles myself and got an earful of pregnancy stories today, too.

Good luck with the Peaks!