Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Waiting to Exhale

I'm not sure why I did it, but I wasted the last afternoon of my annual vacation torturing myself by watching A_Baby_Story . Today's shows (yes, there were back to back episodes) were both about women who had lived with infertility. The first couple were celebrating their second IVF pregnancy. The first had been triplets, and this one was twins. The second couple was closer to our story ... she had a history of miscarriage.

When the second woman actually gave birth, and then lay there holding her breath until she heard her son's first cry, I was holding my breath right along with her. When they laid that baby boy on her belly, and she touched him for the first time, I received a glimpse of what those of us living with infertility live with during pregnancy. I don't think that woman took a breath until that baby was laid on her belly.

Which makes me wonder how we can ever think that someone who has blogged about infertility is 'off the island' just because she gets pregnant. I can't get 'waiting to exhale' thought out of my head.


Donna said...

I totally agree - once an Infertile, always an Infertile. I hope I don't get kicked off the island because I failed to get pregnant and just flat out gave up. I can't watch any of those shows, BTW, I just don't have it in me.

Donna said...
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Donna said...
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Donna said...

ARG! Sorry about that, Blogger kept telling me it wasn't posting. Doh!

Sandy said...

That's ok me excited to think I had FOUR comments!!! :-) No fear of you being kicked off the island by me, my friend.

The Walker Tribe said...

As you know...we had trouble conceiving. Then a miscarriage. Then prego with twins. Then we lost a twin. Then we lost my dad. When my father wife started having false contractions because of the stress. We made it through that four weeks ago. And we are...8 weeks and 1 day away from the due date. I worry every single damn day. Every damn day. Every damn day. She doesn't know it....but I do.

Hope all is well Sandy.

Sue said...

Thanks for sharing this, Sandy. Gives me hope.

Anonymous said...

And I left a comment this morning and it didn't publish! All or nothing........I do not miss blogger......what was I saying?....

I just love you. That is it.

Anonymous said...

I'm far too emotional these days to watch A Baby Story.
However, I do agree that once on the island, you're a permanent resident.

Anonymous said...

Sandy - I was watching a similar programme yesterday, to which my husband commented "Are you enjoying torturing yourself like that." I kind of do, because I get to see someone else's joy, and I kind of don't because it sometimes makes me very sad. Depends on my general level of resilience which it is

Anonymous said...

Once we've come this deep onto the island, it is really hard to get off. Every now and then someone builds a raft with coconuts (and sometimes rum) and floats away with a steady "good riddance", but mostly, we all stick around and help each other build cabanas.

Sorry, it is early in the morning on a Saturday and sometimes my analogies can go on endlessly. You get the drift.