Monday, March 21, 2005

More Bits and Bites

The weekend
I'm back. Had a good weekend. Lots of time for reflection. Made some cool new acquaintances, some of whom feel like they will develop into deeper friendships. Sang and sang and sang...played guitar through the blisters on my fingers and thumb, but it was worth it. Spent much time reflecting on motherhood, and am beginning to get my head back around the possibility that I will not be one to my own living child or children. And for once, didn't reflect in a sorrow filled way about that. Kept thinking about the gifts of Frodo and Mini-Me and realizing that perhaps as I'm so focused on trying to conceive one of our own, I'm missing out on some cool parts of the journey of their lives. All stuff to ponder and think about. Because that's what I do, don't you know.

HB's granddad passed away on Wednesday, and of course I was in on this retreat all weekend so couldn't be present for any of the services. HB gave one of the readings at the service, and spent a fair amount of time checking in on his mom. Granddad was his maternal grandfather. I didn't know him well, but loved what I did know about him. He was 89 and had been living with Alzheimers (or as my mother in law calls it, alltimers) for a number of years. When we'd go to visit, he'd flip his teeth out, cackling and saying "Betchya can't do that! Give me some money, pretty girl!", all the while patting the couch to convince me to sit beside him. He was a dear man who maintained a keen sense of humour almost to the end of his life. I see much of him in both my dear mother in law, and her awesome son. You lived a good life Granddad ~ and you will live on in the many you have left behind as legacy.

My House
was apparently hit by a hurricane while I was away. And someone came in and threw up paper and magazines all over the place, peppered with a dirty sock and a bit of dog drool here and there. I have been attempting to use up vacation time before the end of this fiscal period, and will be spending it clean sweeping this pig sty. We have too much stuff. It's probably a good thing we haven't been able to have a baby. He or she would get lost under the piles of stuff in this house.

Someone sent me this very cute link. I don't often laugh out loud in any kind of sincere way at jokes I receive by email, but I enjoyed this one. Hormone_warning

The Weight Issue
I am inspired by Cecily daily, and really needed to read what she had written in this post about her current weight loss journey. I realized last night that I have hit the point where I am collecting stinky sweat in fat folds. I never imagined that I would hit that point in weight. I think the click has arrived.


Julianna said...

Wow, so much news!

I have been thinking about you and am glad you posted.

Have a nice week.

Anonymous said...

That thing about getting your head round the possibility that you might not have your own children is a brave one. I know I am not there yet. My mother brought up the issue of adoption this week. I'm not ready to go there. Not sure how I will get myself there if I need to go there.

And boy can I empathise about the house!