Sunday, November 14, 2004

Caviar, artichoke heart dip and morning sickness

My hubby plays in a band. In that band are three other guys, one of whom is a real piece of work. We'll call him D. You know how you just have some people in your life that you simply put up with and work around? D is one of those people. He and his wife, whom I adored, split up just before Christmas last year. We've been very careful not to get into that "split the friends" up scenario with them. We see her by choice on a regular basis, and see him through the band on an as needed basis.

Last week hubby came home from band practice and said that we would be going to a house party in a very ritzy part of the city on Saturday the 13th, as D's new woman felt it time for his friends to meet her friends.

So off we trot last night, over to this very beautiful, swanky 100 year old house in the south end of the city. In the middle of our first snow storm by the way, which continues on into today. And we proceed into this house, filled with about 30 of her friends.....women in evening gowns and men in suits, all smiling and making social chat with each other. And there were his friends.....all six of us. The three of us women who are married to the guys in the band (we call ourselves the Band-Aides) are sitting in one of the three living rooms, talking with each other and trying to decide whether we like caviar or not (after we figured out that it actually was caviar) when in walks a beautiful young woman.

The guys are in the living room with us, just beginning to play some music.

She of beauty speaks up and says "oh please do not play any sad songs. I am completely exhausted from crying this week."

We bite, of course, and ask why she was crying.

"I'm three months pregnant. Look! I had to buy maternity pants today. Can you believe it? I can't believe it! My friends are convinced that I am carrying twins. And maybe I am. Hard to say. I'm awfully emotional. And eat! Wow...some days I have an appetite and the next day I'm just so turned off food...........and I've had no morning sickness at all....this has been a dream pregnancy...really!"

and it went on...and on....and on. And she of beauty sat there, popping caviar toasts into her perfectly pregnant mouth, in her oh so cute new maternity pants, threatening to cry.

And I could see myself in all my excitement of two years ago. Saying many of the same things. And being so happy that I was experiencing no morning sickness, not realizing that perhaps that was not a good sign.

And so I sat beside her most of the night, smiling at my awesome husband, singing with him, and listening to her rave about this.... her first pregnancy.

And I said a silent prayer to myself for her and her unborn child.

And then I tried the caviar. I'll stick with artichoke heart dip and wheat thins.


Stacy said...

I read your post on Cecilys blog...well said.


Julianna said...

What a fucking nightmare for you! I am dealing with TBW (the bosses wife) who is already ooohhhhhing and aaahhing over her conception this Wednesday or Thursday depending on when her IVF retrieval is........last I heard it is Monday. This bitch knows that I have had two IVF failures back to back and has the nerve to brag to me about how she is going to tell her twins how they were conceived and she won't even know if it works until two weeks from now. I am so incredibly sick of her. I am so pissed that your blog has just inspired me to write about the little bitch. I SO feel ya. I SO incredibly sympathize with what you went through with the 3 month pregnant bitch.............oh my goodness gracious............I am so angry.

I love you. I cyberly love you. Hang in there my sweet.

Anonymous said...

Nope, no way I could have gotten through that evening without telling the self-centered whiney princess to shut up. Nope, no way. You're a better man than I, Gunga Din.
