Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Timing is everything

We had an incredible last few days. Frodo and Mini-Me's mom was away for business, so they stayed with us for a good long stretch. I had to play the soccer mom on Thursday by going to pick the boys up from school early as it was a parent/teacher meeting day. Since their Dad is a teacher, and therefore required to stay at school to meet with the other parents, that left me. We had a ball together. We went and picked Dad up and took him to lunch before his afternoon started, and then we hit the stores for a bit, before coming home and them playing with their friends.

There were two most magical moments. The first was Friday morning, when Frodo came into the room where I was watching the papal funeral, and handed me a cup of coffee that he had poured himself with no prompting. It was not at all how I take my coffee, but the fact that he had thought outside of himself to do it! That alone made me drink it (and remember just how much I dislike the taste of sugar in coffee!!!)

The second magical moment was at the supper table on Sunday. Mini-Me broke into a belly laugh that would just melt ice cubes! His whole face lit up, and he literally laid his head on the table laughing. He was remembering something his brother had said during the priest's homily that morning, and shared it with us...but what was so amazing was how this seven year old creature gets humour, sarcasm and wit ... and how it just lights him up. In that moment, I knew how much I loved that young child!

I think the saddest part for me was on Sunday at supper time, when Frodo said he really wanted to stay here with us, but knew that he would miss his mom too. What a hell of a thing divorce does to kids.

Having a stretch period like that with them makes me feel like maybe I could actually do this if we are ever fortunate enough to carry a baby to term.

It really was an insane weekend. I had a full day workshop to attend on Saturday, which I couldn't get out of because I was speaking at it. HB had a concert practice that same morning with one of school bands, and then had physio in the afternoon. Just to torture ourselves, we had also invited good friends of ours over for supper that night, and they accepted! It all worked out, and we had a great day, busy as it was. This is what life's all about. Family, good friends, pursuing interests ... and hell, we even had time to get some baby making activity into the mix!

Which means that we might have nailed the timing this month. We'll have to see.

In the meantime, I'm counting my points and so far it's paying off. Three lbs in the first two weeks, and my week three weigh in is tomorrow morning. I'm just following the plan at home by myself. Just can't imagine paying one more cent to Weight Watchers - I might as well buy the company I've joined so often!


Anonymous said...

it's great things went so well this weekend. I will keep my fingers crossed for you.

Donna said...

Of course you will be a great Mom! You already are. Its so great that you can have fun with the time you have together.

Sue said...

Congrats on the weight loss and making yourself first! Ditto on you being a great mom!

Sandy said...

Hey Grins! Glad you're back in town! And no, I won't smack only cuz I love you right back my friend. We have discussed adoption, and have chosen not to pursue it for a number of reasons. For us, it is more about creating a shared being. We have two awesome little creatures that we get to spend a fair amount of time with, and so if that is what our parenting is meant to be, I think we're going to be cool with that. So for us, it's not about creating a family because we already have that with Mini Me and Frodo. It is about creating a shared person that is of us.

You might not have known this, but my brother was adopted into our family and was the greatest gift I ever received. So I know and love adoption. I think we might consider fostering at some point - we'll have to see.

Glad you're back...SO glad!