Thursday, April 07, 2005

Life is good

I've hit a blogging block I think. I've looked at this daily and thought I should be posting, but haven't done so. Not that there's nothing going on in my life ... I'm just not sure there's anything worthy of writing. Which tells me that I have stopped using this as a journal, and crossed that line to "what will people think? Can I come up with something interesting?" Not good. I've always known that when I journal for an audience, it's not doing me any good. So ... I'm just going to write.

I was fascinated by the coverage of the Pope's death this past weekend. As a Christian person, I was very saddened and yet also joyful. Sad that the world has lost someone who did so much for many groups of people. He was a true champion of the young and the oppressed. It will be interesting to see what happens now though. His leadership was not very forward thinking when it came to the actual Catholic Church. I've heard it all over the last week. His stance on women and celibacy for priests. His slow reaction during the horrific abuse scandals that have emerged. There is much much more. Again, I'm a cradle Catholic so it might be hypocritical, but I find that as long as I'm ok with my relationship with God, and I'm ok with my relationship with the world ... the formal Catholic Church is not going to stand in my way.

Interesting though, when my mother called me last Saturday to ask if I still had a bunch of pictures from an ordination we had attended. When we lived in Brussels, we were close to a university that had a theology program. We became friends with a group of seminarians from that university, many of whom remain in the priesthood today. One of them is actually a Cardinal (South Africa) and his name has been loosely bantered around as a successor. The chances are likely slim, but it's very cool to think that I know someone who will be in the Conclave. We have pictures (somewhere!) of us with him at his ordination into the deaconate (I think....I was very young).

This weekend would be prime baby making time according to the calendar. Of course, we have the kids arriving at noon today and with us for the whole weekend. Their mother is away for work. The chances of HB and I actually being able to engage in the prerequisite baby making behaviour? Slim to none. Pisses me off to think that I may have pumped my body full of a medication unnecessarily this month.

The time change has done a pile of good for my cheer. Loving that brightness that remains in the sky until 7 or 7:30 at night.

My new assignment at work is going well.

HB's band had an audition last night at an open mic session, and I got to hook up with a former roommate and good friend whom I haven't seen or spent time with in ages. It was a great night. Good food, music and friends. Life doesn't get much better.


Anonymous said...

I know how you feel about blogging for an audience. I feel like what I write isn't funny enough, relevant enough etc. Then I just write something because I need to and it all feels better. Some people blog because they want to write, I think we are blogging because we *need* to write.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are blogging and so very glad that you are in such a good place right now.

For me, blogging is therapeutic but lately I find myself becoming more self-conscious about critical readers. It is so hard to stay so honest with so many strangers (some of them mean) who are allowed in....

This is a different world. Originally, I wanted to blog like a journal, just for me....but I soon realized that that is impossible. I don't know what the balance it......the most important thing is feeling better after you vent and I still do so I will continue.

Have a nice weekend! :)

The Walker Tribe said...

Sandy -

I don't think you are being hyporcritical when it comes to the questions that you have.


Don't miss out on opportunity. Don't miss out on opportunity.
Don't miss out on opportunity.

I know when you are going through this stuff....that the pre-requisite that you mention can become mechanical in nature and that sucks. I know. I'm a man and I am saying that.....

I complained about it sometimes. My wife had the days circled on the calendar as to the prime baby making times. I know things can be hectic...especially with kids around....


Don't miss an opportunity.

Just my thoughts. Hope I'm not being too forward.

Sandy said...

Good to see you Dude and you're not being forward at all!!! Thanks for the advice ... and HB will thank you as well...hehe. Hope all is going well with you guys. Wish our friend Grins would check in!

Donna said...

How interesting for you to know someone in the conclave. Not many people can say that, I bet. At least not here in North America. Maybe having other people in the house will make the love makin' a little naughty! Good luck this weekend.