Sunday, March 27, 2005

Mother Rant

Everything, and I mean E V E R Y T H I N G is either irritating me or making me weep the last few days. I'm guessing it's the clomid, and I'm not sure I'm liking who I'm turning into as a result.

My mother just called. We're going there for Easter dinner in a few hours. They live about an hour away from us, and are both in their mid 70's. Every once in a while I get to feeling very guilty for not spending more time with them because I know there will come a day when I won't have the option of driving up for dinner.

Mom doesn't get my infertility or our desire to have a child. Conversations with Mom about my infertility (always, by the way, started by her), go something like this:

Mom: So, you still on those pills?
Moi: Yep.
Mom: Well, how long are you going to do that?
Moi: Probably until we manage to either get pregnant or move through the full 10 months of the prescription without luck. Whatever comes first.
Mom: Well, I hope you don't have any more miscarriages. It's hard on everyone you know.
Moi: (trying hard to censor all the head voices at this point) Yeah. We're kinda hoping for no more miscarriages too Mom. (duh! ok, one head voice gets out but only in a non-verbal way)
Mom: So you're sure you're not starting your change eh?
Moi: yeah Mom, pretty sure. The doctors say I'm not even close.
Mom: well, I'd have them check again. I started at your age you know.
Moi: well Mom, I've had the tests twice now and they continue to show that I am not peri-menopausal.
Mom: yeah, but do they tell you if you're starting the change?

and then today we move onto the other favourite subject. My weight and my weight loss plans.

Mom: So have you figured out what you're going to be able to eat for dinner yet?
Moi: yes. I have my points all calculated for today.
Mom: guess you won't want this easter bunny I bought for you then.
Moi: (wtf???? who buys their overweight daughter an easter bunny when they know she's just started WW???) (oops....head voice again....) No Mom, but I will give it to the kids for you. Thanks for doing that.
Mom: but you can have the dessert I've made. Your sister says it's only8 points a serving.
Moi: (ok, starting to understand where my freaking weight problem came from here Ma!!!) (oops....frigging head voice...stop!). No Mom, I'm planning to pass on the dessert tonight.
Mom: but you can't do that! It's so good! You'll have to have just one piece. 8 points isn't much1
Moi: (You're's just the hormones talking. You really don't want to shove your mother's face in her dessert bowl now do you???) Thanks Mom, but I'm really planning to pass. I need to get myself a little more in control before I start back with desserts.
Mom: But you know, WW isn't supposed to be a DIET. It's supposed to be a WAY OF LIFE. Desserts are part of LIFE.

I love her dearly but man, I need to get my game face on to deal with her sometimes. Being on these pills is not helping.

On another very sad note, I've been meaning to share this obituary that was in our local paper. I found their website and viewed their before pregnancy pictures of trips and stuff. No one should have to suffer the loss of their child, and I was very touched by the celebration of their son's short life described in the obituary. I'm keeping them in my prayers.


Anonymous said...

Boy do I understand about the weight thing with the mother thing. Mine went the other way and spent most of my teenage years asking me, now do you really want that, while giving my brothers second and third helpings. Of course at the time I had no idea that the reason they seemed to be able to eat so much was that they ran around all day and I sat in my room reading. I wish someone had explained that to me at 15!

Good luck on the dessert front, I'll be thinking of you.

DeadBug said...

What willpower to control the Head Voice!


Sandy said...

Update: I passed on dessert (HB had THREE portions!); stayed within my points for the day; AND had an amazing visit, filled with lots of good laughs. I highly recommend playing Cranium with your aged parents - makes it easier to win...

Anonymous said...

Glad you survived - Clomid somehow makes me really sensitive but ALSO sends waves out into the universe so people start stepping over their boundaries and then there's the crazy-making - is my family getting worse or is it the drugs?

Scrabble and puzzles with really small pieces are also good for whomping elderly relatives - hee hee.

Tiff said...

Oh wow, nothing like making things even tougher.
Way to go, girl!!! *claps hands*

Donna said...

I'm sorry you had to deal with those conversations. My mother is the Queen of Passive-Aggressiveness, so I really get where you are coming from. I'm glad you managed to have a good time despite the preamble.