Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Her Highness Hope

I discovered Her Highness Hope lurking in the corner of my home today. She came to remind me that I'm on the downward slide in the 2 week wait - cd 25. These are the days that when Hope, Reality and I read a million things into every little emotion, twinge, pang and craving.

I cried when a Klingon gave birth on Star Trek yesterday.
Hope: I must be pregnant!
Reality: I need a life, and my kidneys are too close to my eyeballs.

Hubby and I travelled to the other side of town yesterday to satisfy my craving for pasta.
Hope: Food cravings! I must be pregnant!
Reality: I'm getting ready to rejoin Weight Watchers, am chowing down on all my favourites and was just too lazy to cook.

I'm tuckered right out and all I want to do is sleep.
Hope: I couldn't get out of my own way when I was pregnant the last time. I must be pregnant! Reality: I haven't been exercising; my energy level is down; I hate my job right now and am using sleep as an avoidance tactic.

And on it will go ... the mind battling the heart battling the body for the next three to five days. Until I have one of two things:

A positive hpt....or a continued downward slide into low self esteem because I'm a carb addicted, Star Trek watching crier whose only exercise is climbing the stairs to sleep.

I love it when royalty comes to visit.

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