Thursday, September 01, 2005

Filled Up Yet Broken Hearted

Sometimes you are given just exactly what you need, when you need it. Last night was one of those nights. I did indeed speak. And I spoke honestly about what's been going on in my life of late. After I spoke, the general practice is that people who are there get up and speak - either about something that they've heard that they were touched by, or they might share something that's been going on with them through the last month.
I've been going to these gatherings since 1986, and I've never been the speaker. Last night, the folks that got up after I spoke literally filled me up. They each spoke directly to my heart, and for someone who has been really questioning her worth of late, that heart needed to be spoken to! I was fed and filled.
This morning I had an excellent meeting related to the project I am working on. I happened to bump into the person that I report to, and with whom I've been having some challenges. I mentioned in passing about the excellent meeting, and she said "you must have done a great job on the presentation for that meeting to go so well".
You could have knocked me over. This woman just does NOT give praise.
My heart is breaking for the people hit by the hurricane. I'm just completely baffled by the slowness of response by the federal government. I can't help but wonder whether the fact that most of the people affected are poor and largely non-white is impacting it or not. What is our world coming to when we're more concerned with stopping looters than we are with rescuing, feeding and housing our brothers and sisters? My heart is breaking for these people, and I feel so damn helpless all the way up here. I heard on the news today that our Prime Minister called Bush to offer aid, and it was politely refused as there is "no need for international aid" at this time. Excuse me? Unless what I'm seeing on the television is totally out of take the aid that is offered.
I feel like all I can do is pray.


Sue said...

Sandy - I'm glad that things went so well!

As for Katrina - the enormity of it all overwhelmes me. I do, however, want to put my 2 cents in about the "slowness" of the federal gov't. There's no doubt in my mind that when this is all over, there will be numerous things that could (and should) have been done differently. I certainly think that there should have been more preparedness for a Category 4 or 5 hurricane (I don't believe enough people concerned themselves with the potential of the levees breaking). However, I think the public tends to forget the the gov't is made of people - thousands, who within 24 hours were down in Gulfport and New Orleans saving lives, who themselves are putting themselves in harms way, surviving on very little sleep, food, and water. Every day, thousands more personnel from federal gov't agencies, the military, hospitals, national guardsmen, fire departments, electric companies, bus companies are heading down to that area. Perhaps more of these resources could be used in evacuating residents, if they weren't being shot at! (and I don't buy the argument that they're being shot at because of people's frustrations - those people are assholes and criminals, as far as I'm concerned.) That's why many of the buses, boats, ambulances, and helicopters are getting to places as quickly as they should.

This is nothing short of a tragedy, and I do understand that in times of desperation, there is no good explantion or excuse. I just get defensive withen the federal gov't is slammed for all the things they are not doing, and not getting credit for everything that they are doing.

As for Bush, I heard that, too. I'm not a Bush fan by any means, but I just hope that statement was taken out of context. I did read that Condoleeza Rice said no offer of assistance would be turned down. I'm just glad that other countries are offering! Sometimes I think that disaster aid is a one way street - heading out of our country!

That's it. You can delete my comment if you want to. I just had to get that off my chest.

Sandy said...

Sue - of course I won't delete your comment! We all have the right to our opinions. I work for government so can certainly relate to the defensiveness. Having said that, I also know that if there are ways you want to get a message out (like, hey we ARE doing this and this and here's why we're not able to do this or that), as government you can do it. In my heart of hearts, I want to believe that race or economics have nothing to do with what we're seeing. I'm just struggling to believe my heart when I reflect on the speed with which other disasters have had response. It's a hellish, awful situation and I should have said that my prayers extend to all who are having to make awful choices around helping as well.

Sue said...

Thanks, Sandy. It's just so sad. I read in a news article this morning that there's plenty of blame to go around - including the feds. I saw the caravan of vehicles carrying food and water into New Orleans, today. I do want an explanation as to why it took until Friday to get there. I can not imagine going that long, watching my family starve, die in front of me. You're right. All I can do is pray.

I guess I should get back to work. It's been hard to concentrate.