Saturday, September 10, 2005

A Little Charmer

Our marriage is going to survive because we never see each other! HB is away again this weekend. The band is playing on PEI. He wanted to go about as much as he enjoys root canal. Before he gets back, I'll be on the road headed to the other end of the province for work. We'll see each other Monday night but then I leave again Friday for the weekend.
And of course, as a going away present for him, my period arrived. So I'm sitting here today, weighing the pros and cons of filling my clomid prescription. I have a few hours left to make the decision. I'm really not sure which way I'll go.
It's been a good week. Back to the routine of school for HB and the kids. The kids were over for their mid week night with us on the first day of school. We had a great night. Mini Me is the coolest kid! I've been following Weight Watchers now since the beginning of July, and he has been very interested in the whole process. Every once in a while he'll ask why I weigh and measure my food...or why I won't eat certain things that they are eating. At supper this night he asked me why I don't eat french fries anymore. Now Mini Me is overweight as well, so we answer these questions carefully - taking the opportunity to do the education around healthy eating thing.
I replied that it wasn't that I don't eat french fries anymore, but rather that I made choices about when to eat fries because I am trying to lose weight.
Then he melted my heart. He said, "But Sandy, you've already lost a TON of weight! You used to be out to here and now you're like in to here . You don't NEED to lose any more weight! Have a french fry!"
That boy is going to be a heartbreaker and woman charmer. He's got all the right moves!
And no, I did not have a fry, despite his words!


Tiff said...

Awwww. That is too sweet.
Keep it up, girlie!

Anonymous said...

SOOOOO sweet!

and I would have had the, frIES.....can't stop at one.

Michael travels a lot as well, I know what you mean. It does make the heart grow fonder!

I hope you have a nice weekend.

Take care,

Sue said...

Sandy - you are so AWESOME!

The Walker Tribe said...


Good for you. Great for you. I'm still trying to shed some sympathy weight...and well...fries are the hardest temptation to resist. Wish I had your strength.

April said...

What a cutie! I've been there before mulling over whether to fill the clomid prescription.

Do what feels right - after all, you know what's best for you.

French fries and all, or not.

Congrats on the weight loss.

Anonymous said...

My name is Holly Lem and i would like to show you my personal experience with Clomid.

I am 28 years old. I got preg first time on my own & miscarried. after a while of trying, my dr put me on clomid. after the first round i got pregnant & miscarried. i decided not to try or think about it at all probably for a 9 months... right around the time baby would be due & then started trying again. after a few months got back on clomid. after 5 months and no pregnancy i'm giving it a rest again. it's to much disappointment. i'm going to give it a try again soon, in the mean time we're keeping our fingers crossed for the old fashioned way to work.

I have experienced some of these side effects-
HOT FLASHES, moody, cry easily, weight gain, headaches etc!!

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Holly Lem