Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Shifting chairs in the sand

I'm touched that there is still even one person reading this blog! I have to say it kept me sane for a long time. It's hard to believe how long I've had it going - I think this is the biggest commitment I've ever made and kept!

I'm on vacation this week, and it's been grand thus far. Last week HB and I took off for a few days just on our own. We went to the beautiful island of Cape Breton, where we took in some awesome music, toured a historic fortress, ate some really good food, and walked. A lot. And mostly we decompressed. I hadn't realized how stressed I was feeling. I had even lost my voice over the last two weeks. HB finally said to me Friday night, as we sat eating pizza in our hotel room, that he had been beginning to resent my schedule of late. That's something - coming from the man who is so active I get tired even thinking about it! He said how touched he was that I had made the decision earlier that week to get up from my school work and go to a movie with he and Mini-Me. (It was a no-brainer in my mind...come on....Hairspray....John Travolta in a dress....I wasn't missing it!) But his point was made.

So we're committing to checking our commitments with each other before saying yes. Something we've gotten away from in the last few months. And we've also committed to having HB and Sandy time more often. No kids, no dawgs, no cell phones, laptops or work. Just us.

On the being a barren, childless bag side of life - I was hit with a drive-by the other day! Haven't had that happen in quite a while. We were at a paddling regatta, and there was a woman there with her young son. They were having fun, swimming around and watching the races. Another paddler from our team was sitting beside me and suddenly she said "do you have kids of your own?" - the dreaded question - the one I'm never sure how to answer.

Sometimes I take the time to explain that we tried and failed miserably, but that I do consider that I have had at least two kids that didn't make it fully into the world. Other times I answer that we have two boys through HB. And then there are days like this one where I take what feels like the easy way the moment...and just answer with a simple no. Expecting that will end the conversation.

But Ms. Drive-By pressed on, proceeding to tell me just how very lucky and blessed I am to never have had children. How they get on your nerves and are most often little ingrates, and how hers would never come support her at the regattas......and so get the picture. Then the little guy at the water's edge screeched, underlining her point and giving her room to say "see how lucky you are? Never had to listen to THAT..."

And I wondered if she could see just how desperately we wanted to listen to "that", or to experience the little ingrates that didn't make it into the world.

HB reached over and took my hand, giving it a squeeze. And without saying a word, I knew that he knew.

So we smiled at her, wished her luck in her next race, and moved our chairs to another location. And only shed one single tear.

We have moved on. Mostly.


Tiff said...

I will NEVER understand why people just can't keep their cakeholes shut on the subject. Seriously. No matter what someone elses situation...that is just a ridiculous thing to say.
I am sorry.

Michelle said...

Ugh. I hate comments like that. I too, have learned to smile politely and move on my way. I got a lot of the "Don't you want kids" questions when I was recovering from my hysterectomy. I just don't have the energy to explain the adoption right now, so I just smile and say "No. I don't want kids" and walk away. And like you, shed a tear or two later. It really is no one else's business anyway.

Polka Dot said...

What's always funny to me is that I use those same things to help try and deal with it - while I'd give my left leg for a baby, I still think about how we don't have the worry of baby sitters or screaming kids, and that we can take a couple days away without having to factor a baby into it all.

But let someone else point that out and ooohhh boy. hah.

I'm glad you and HB are working through it. We're still knee-deep in trying, but I'm hoping I'll recognize the stopping point if the time comes.

One thing, though .. and this is just having been a step-daughter most of my life - why not just say "we have 2 boys" and leave it at that? You don't need to qualify it with references to their not being born by you. For all intents and purposes, you are a mother to them. How you came into that position isn't anyone's need to know.

Angela S.

Anonymous said... I have no response to that woman. But I'm still here and reading!

Anonymous said...

What a mother she is!
What unlucky children she has.

I am still here and checking in
on your blog.

Ollie said...

Of all the drive-by comments, I think THAT kind of comment infuriates me more than anything. It assumes 1) you chose the life with no children, 2) you appreciate knowing what you're missing (which is utter b-s), 3) that she who CAN have kids doesn't really want what she has, which of course makes it worse on those who have difficulty conceiving.

Blessed... to not hear your child's enthusiasm. Yeah, that one really gets my goat.

msfitzita said...

I still check in. I'm still here ;)

And I'm so sorry you had to deal with someone so flocking insensitive. For God's sake, even if you happen to genuinely believe that not having children is a blessing, how on earth do you not know that the LAST thing on earth someone who has struggled so hard to have children wants to hear is that they're lucky that struggle was in vain???

Oh God, I don't get people. I will never get people.

And I'm so sorry you had to get stuck with her.

Sue said...

Some people have no filter. I love your husband, though, Sandy. Glad you're still posting.

Anonymous said...

I keep checking in to see how you are doing. I haven't been to Cape Breton but I love PEI. Hope you are doing well and post again soon.