Friday, July 06, 2007

Way Too Long....

See how fickle I am? I find a new addiction in facebook and completely ignore my poor blog. Sue commented and caused me to look at when I had last posted - holy cow - May!

Things are swimming along here. I just had gum surgery the other day and as I sit here typing, the little cast thing that put over the stitches has fallen off. I'm hoping I don't manage to pull the stitches out. I am one of those people that can't keep my tongue out of things that are in my mouth ... I poke and prod and make it way worse than it needs to be.

And that, is about the most excitement I have going on right now! Things are so amazingly boring and stable, it's awesome.

HB and I have been hanging out, falling more in love with each other daily. Frodo is 12 turning on 20 these days and is a real handful, but I know we'll survive. Took them to a play the other night and Mini Me fell asleep during it. Snored throughout the whole last act. I could have crawled out of the theatre in mortification!

My other big news is that I'm planning a trip to Spain in October/November. I'm truly stoked about that - and need to focus on getting a few more pounds off so I can feel comfortable in some nice light summer clothes. We are not going to get a summer here so I have time.

I'm still keeping up on my blogging friends - many are just about ready to give birth, or have already. Life is good for most.

I must remember to update more often. If there's anyone still reading here, leave me a note and let me know how you're doing!


Mony said...

Yes! I still drop in. Of Course! Glad to read you are still blogging "occasionally"! and that youre HB is still "the man"....did you ever read anymore about Mellie? From Why Not Us? She had her little girl back in Januray...and then stopped bogging. I miss her.
You take care honey xx

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you're ok. I had been wondering how things were going, and was hopeful that no news is good news.

Anonymous said...

I've come and lurked around, checking to see how you're doing. It's so nice to read this post and know you're well! Boring and stable is GOOD!
That trip sounds so exciting. You'll have to tell us more about it as it approaches.
I've got a new domain, I hope you'll stop by and visit. Take care, Sandy!

Polka Dot said...

two Angelas back to back! hah

Of course I still pop in. I'm glad to hear things are still going well. Spain sounds like a blast.

Is it still cold in Canada? It's hotter than hades here in the States, with record high temps.

I, too, have a new blog. I closed my xanga. You can find me at

I use to have the silver611 at xanga.

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog and wish you were posting more often. Glad you are looking forward to your trip this fall.

Tiff said...

SPAIN???? OMG..can you pack me in your luggage please?

I am glad to hear that things are going well for you...and yes you do need to post more often! ;P