Friday, May 12, 2006


I swear that I am not related to Chicken Little.
The sky did not fall down on Thursday, as previously posted and anticipated! Big Dawg spent all of Wednesday night lying on the basement floor.....came around only to eat some chicken and rice that I cooked up for him.
I cried until I had no more tears left. I slept on the basement floor with him, until 5 a.m. at which time he nudged me to wake up and let him outside.
When I brought him back in, he headed straight for his food bowl where his uneaten supper from the day before remained. I held it out for him and scarf.............gone!
By noon time, he was hanging out upstairs with me ... something he hasn't done in weeks.
By mid-afternoon I knew that there would be no final drive being taken that day.
Yes, my boy has rallied and decided to not only stick around, but perk up! He's the most highly medicated dawg in the neighbourhood, but hey, he's still here! And truly, we're not just keeping him around and fooling ourselves. The vet thinks that he had contracted an infection that sapped his appetite and caused his paw to swell up. The antibiotic seems to be helping significantly (at $10 per pill it should) and so we're in for a week's worth of that stuff.
And appetite? He ate the dawg food PLUS the chicken and rice last night and again this morning.
Maybe I'm going to have a half decent Mother's Day for once in my life, eh?


Krista said...

Oh Sandy, I am so very excited to hear that. Happy Mother's Day!

By the way, although I lived in Nova Scotia for 12 years, I am actually originally from NFLD and so is my husband. I LOVE NFLD DOGS! Unfortunately I don't have one because I am not home often enough to let them have enough exercise. But I intend on getting one when I have a child (cause then I will be home)

DinosaurD said...

Hugs to Big Dawg! I'm so glad you were wrong.

Anonymous said...

Go Big Dawg! Give your poor mommy lots of wet sloppy Mother's Day kisses!

Anonymous said...

Woohoo! $10 a pill is worth all that huh?

Anonymous said...

Yay!! That is awesome news indeed!

Tiff said...

I can't tell you how glad I am to read this post!! YEAH, Big Dawg!!!!

Donna said...

I was a little apprehensive checking on your blog this morning, but I am so glad I did! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Thalia said...

I'm glad big dawg is doing so well, it's great that you're getting to treat him so well and hang out so much with him.

x said...

YEA! I was coming over prepared to cry but I was so happy when I saw this. I hope you and big dawg had the best weekend ever!

Shinny said...

I was in tears all last week over that damn Dawg and then he has the nerve to get better? ;) Just kidding, that was wonderful news to come back to on a Monday. Tell him to just keep getting better, I am way too emotional this week to deal with his drama, ok?

Very glad for all of you that he seems to be improving.

Sue said...

Yay, Sandy! Yay!!

Go Big Dawg!